How Well Do You Manage Stress?
Stress is what you experience internally in response to new or difficult situations. It’s impossible to avoid stress entirely. But you can build up your resistance to the harmful effects of stress through a combination of exercise, good communication, time management, and relaxation. This quiz will help you evaluate your ability to manage the unavoidable stressors in your life.
(5 points)Usually
(3 points)Occasionally
(1 point)
I exercise three times a week.
I eat a balanced diet that includes lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole-grain breads and cereals.
I share my feelings with a partner or friend on a regular basis.
I avoid perfectionism and set realistic goals for myself at home and at work.
I practice relaxation or meditation techniques each week.
I avoid using alcohol and other drugs to deal with pressure.
I’m good at giving and receiving positive strokes.
I plan regular recreational activities that provide a complete change of scenery.
I avoid emotional “overload.” I’ve learned to say “no” when I need to.
I feel satisfied with my work commitments and my employer’s expectations of me.

If you scored:
10-23, there are several important stress management skills that will help you. Start a regular exercise schedule if you don’t already have one. Improve your communication skills and make more time for relaxation.
24-35, you have a variety of ways to deal with stress. Take a look at those you need to improve and develop new strategies in these areas.
36 and above, congratulations, you have some effective ways to deal with the complexities of life. Continue to develop and protect those skills.

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